Monday 6 April 2015

Book Review 9: Fire & Flood By Victoria Scott

Book Review 9: Fire & Flood By Victoria Scott

First things first, lets talk about the awesome cover... It's genius. It's so simple, it's beautiful.

So, basically Fire & Flood is about this girl named Tella Holloway entering this, The Hunger Games/ The Amazing Race typed competition to win a cure for her sick brother, Cody.

One of my favourite parts of this is book is the contestant's pandora. All the contestants are required to get a pandora/egg at the beginning of the race and eventually the egg will hatch and help the contestants throughout the race which I think is pretty awesome.

I would definitely recommend this book to people to love The Hunger Games, it's not the same but it has The Hunger Games vibe in it... The story is quite original in my opinion.

I rate this book 5/5 stars on goodreads because it is really that good. 

Hope you guys like this review... Please follow me if you want more reviews, and also leave a comment of the books you would like me to read and review. Thank You

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Book Review 8: Pretty Little Liars #1

Book Review 8: Pretty Little Liars Book 1

Today I will be reviewing Pretty Little Liars book, as I have watched the TV series too, I could make a comparison between the book and the TV series

First of all, the book starts off in an interesting manner which is the same as the TV series, which shows Alison DiLaurentis disappear. This is totally not a spoiler.... Then, after a year the girls started to get messages about their secrets from an Anonymous person who named him/herself as A. Basically this is the summary of the book.

I really enjoyed reading this book and also the TV series. To compare, the book 1 is actually the pilot of the TV series, only that the book is more detailed. 

In conclusion, I think it's a pretty good read, quite fast paced and I would recommend to anyone who loves mystery. I think that people of any age or gender could really enjoy this book

I rate this book a 4/5 stars.

Thank you for reading this review